Yokohama & Yokosuka rental properties

Having trouble finding an apartment in Japan ?


Can't find a guarantor?

Our experienced staff will help you find a property that doesn't require a guarantor


Refused a property due to residence status?

We have plenty of information on properties that are more than happy to rent to foreigner tenants.


Property rental requirements not clear due to language barrier?

Our staff provides multilingual support. We provide our services in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Featured real estate

Advantages of searching with SeaHome

For customers who are not fluent in Japanese

We will interpret for you during all interactions

Setting up electricity, gas, water, and internet

We will help you contact and setup your utilities

Furniture and appliances for your new life

We can arrange used or new furniture and appliances

Moving into your new home

We will introduce our customers to English-speaking moving companies

Flow until moving in

A down payment is required to sign a lease
Please contact us via SNS Messages or Phone Calls. It is also possible to send inquiry about a property without visiting our office.
We will contact you by phone or email, whichever you prefer.Please share us your necessary information and your desired conditions when looking for a property.
Property Recommendations
We will select and send suitable properties’ details based on your desired conditions above.We will certainly only send properties that are foreigner friendly.
Housing Application/ Review
After selecting the desired property, please fill out the application form.Please send us your application and we will review it.
Lease Contract
After your housing application being approved, we will decide the move-in date and proceed to the sign the lease contract.

Do you have any questions?

Let us help you find a home in Yokosuka or Yokohama that best matches your housing needs.

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